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Showing posts from April, 2020

Tales of my mind.

I now know that it pleases my grandma when I pass through her room to say good morning every day and leave her a peck. She also likes it when I buy her a pack of tea bags, a tin of low fat milk and some brown sugar. She has a habit of taking hot tea with milk every morning, in the afternoons and a bowl of fufu with light soup for supper. I now know that grandpa likes to mimic my voice when talking to me and enjoys it when I sit on his laps and hail him "Nana oo Nana!" . Even though he complains that my heavy backside will break his feeble legs one day, he enjoys it anyways because it makes him feel loved and also gives him 'proud grandpa' moments. He also likes to enjoy hot tea and milk with his wife everyday and eats plantain(Bodie ampesie) with gravy for supper. I've had closer interactions with My aunties and cousins since the "lockdown" caused by the outbreak of this centurion pandemic; Corona virus(covid_19). Wherever this virus came from, being n

Day and night

Day..... Everything is clear. The artists say it is so because of the sun. The reflection of the sun on everything is what gives it it's color. Man has named the hue in objects as colours to suit his sight. But how will the blind man identify these colours? Do colours have a smell or feel a certain way? Just before day, there is morning, and there's noon. There's also afternoon. Wait... So are all these time frames not part of the day? Well..... And there comes sunset... Many confuse it with twilight, But I like to think that it's the same. Then we delve into the night.... Where nocturnals invade the serene sound of nature's bliss. The toads croak and the mosquitoes buzz. The scientists and astronomers say that we experience these times because the earth rotates in a certain way in it's orbit. The spiritualists say there is a big man somewhere who keeps these rotations in check. But to the ordinary people... It's day and night. And that's how they me